
Top 3 Best Mobile Apps Platforms To Make Money Online in 2021

Top 3 Best Mobile Apps Platforms To Make Money Online in 2021

Hello friends, did you know that you can earn millions of rupees from home using just one mobile application?  Yes, you will find many such mobile applications on the Google Play Store at the moment from where you can earn millions of rupees sitting at home.  In today's article, I am going to tell you about three mobile applications through which you will be able to earn lakhs of rupees from home and you will not have to invest a single rupee in it.

Let's talk about how you guys want to make money with mobile apps.  When you work on it and follow their policy, you can start making money right away.  These 3 mobile applications are one hundred percent trusted.  And you can also find these three mobile applications on the Google Play Store.  You can also search and install these three mobile applications on the Google Play Store.

So let us know which is the mobile application that you can work on to make a good monthly income.


So first of all let's talk about YouTube YouTube is a platform where you have to upload videos and you can earn money for those videos.  So one thing that comes to your mind is that YouTube is a website and it is a platform that is a bit difficult to work on.  But if you are a good content creator and you guys love making videos or you guys are making some videos on it daily or you have a skill that you can teach people too  You guys start making videos on it and you can upload and edit all these videos from mobile application only.  The rest of you know how YouTube earns you people.

If we talk about YouTube, in order to work on YouTube, you have to understand their policy. If you deviate from their policy, you can never make money from YouTube.

So first let's talk about YouTube's policy on what you need to take care of and what you need to keep in mind to create your videos and then upload them.

You have created videos that no one else has already uploaded on the internet or on YouTube, which means you have to upload your original content on YouTube, if you want to upload someone else's.  Pick up videos and post them on YouTube, then YouTube can take action against you and your channel can be shut down. If you want to make money from YouTube, you have to take care of this policy so that later on these futures  No problem with you.

Then let's say you want to make videos that are in accordance with YouTube's policy. This means that you have not made any videos that YouTube does not allow you.

To read more of YouTube's Internet policy, you can read their policy by visiting YouTube's official website.


Now let's talk about YouTube's eligibility criteria.  If you want to make money on YouTube, you have to be eligible to make money on YouTube.  So the first thing you need to focus on is your subscribers and your YouTube watch time.  If you want to be eligible to make money on YouTube, you need one thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of watch time.  When you have completed one thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of watch time, then you are eligible to make money from YouTube.  And you can make money from it.

If we talk about another mobile application that allows you to make money by making videos at home just like YouTube, then it is Facebook.  Yes friends, Facebook also gives you a platform to make money like YouTube.  Like YouTube, you have to make videos on Facebook and in return, you can earn millions from Facebook.

First of all, let's talk about what you need to take care of in order to earn money from Facebook.

Just like YouTube has some policies, Facebook also has some policies. If you don't follow their policy, you can't make money on Facebook.

Like YouTube, you have to put your own content on Facebook.  You can't put someone else's content or upload someone else's pictures there.  If you spend time there and show your work there, you can earn good money from Facebook.

In order to earn money on Facebook like YouTube, you have to be eligible for it first.  So the first thing you have to focus on is.

The first thing is the followers on your Facebook page and the other thing is how much your videos have been viewed.

So to be eligible to make money on Facebook, you need 10,000 followers, as well as 30,000 minutes of watch time in the last 60 days.  And these 30,000 minutes of yours come from videos that have been uploaded for more than three minutes.  When you get 10,000 followers and 30,000 minutes, you become eligible to earn money from Facebook.


Now let's talk about another mobile application that is currently on the Google Play Store and the popularity it has gained in the last few years, you know, I'm going to talk.

Like YouTube and Facebook, there is a mobile application that has caused a stir in the video industry.  Yes friends you can earn monthly from this mobile application. I am going to tell you all this in this article.

You can install Tik Tok from the Google Play Store and here you have to create short videos.

If we talk about ticket policy, you will see very different policies of YouTube and Facebook.  And earning here is a little bit different.  Just like YouTube and Facebook pay you to make videos here, Tik Tok will not pay you to make videos directly.

If you want to make money from tick tock, you need to have millions of followers.  If you have millions of followers, you can make a lot of money.

What happens is that when your followers reach millions, different companies bring you in touch and tell you about their products.  When you post videos about their products and your followers use their products, the company pays you a good amount in return.

So friends, you will find these three mobile applications on the Play Store and at the same time you will also find them downloaded in the same article.  You can install caches and earn millions of rupees from these applications.
