
How to Choose The Best Platform to Make Money Online in 2021| Review by TechFoxy

How to Choose The Best Platform to Make Money Online?

Choosing a Platform is a Very Difficult task for anyone, Most people get confused when they come to select a platform for online earning. If you are a beginner and you don't know how to select an online earning platform then you don't need to be worried, Whenever a new person enters this online earning field he went through the same feelings but with time and some failure, he comes to know that where he should surf his work and how to use his skills. In choosing any field you need to know some things about yourself, So what are things you must know about yourself before choosing the online platform listed below.

How to Choose The Best Platform to Make Money Online in 2021| Review by TechFoxy

Things You Must Know Before Choosing The Platform to Make Money Online:

  • Knowledge About Your Skills
  • Importance of Platform you wanna Choose
  • Consistency With your work
  • Creativity in Your work/Make new Ideas
  • Satisfying Your Viewers/Clients
  • Don't Stop Learning about your Online Field

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  1. Knowledge About Your Skills
Famous Quotation " Knowledge is Power'' If anyone wants to join online earning field, he must have some skills and basic knowledge about his skills. Without skill knowledge it's very difficult to make money online. If you have a skill but you don't have the knowledge how this single skill can help you to make money online, then your skill is useless and it's important to understand that your skill is your base of making money online. So another task arise how to understand the basic knowledge about your skill. If you are looking for how to make your skill useful in online earning field then you need to search out different platforms from where you can earn money by serving with your skill.
For Example: If you love to make videos and you can edit them by yourself and you are a good video creator then you can choose youtube as your online earning platform.

Same as If you are good content Writer then Start Blogging or provide your writing services at different freelancing platforms.

So this is how Basic knowledge of your skill can help you to choose your online earning platform.

  • Importance Of  Online Platform
Choosing a best Platform is very important task for any online earner. If You have a skill and you want to make it useful and want to earn by serving people with your skill, the most important task is to choose best platform which can improve your skills and can help you to serve more efficiently. So the main task is to check the importance of the platform you want to choose.

For Example: If you are a good video creator and you have the basic knowledge about your skill, then the task is to check the importance of platform you are going to choose. As a video creator if you search for the best platform fot video creators you will get different platforms, for example: Youtube and Tiktok, now check the importance of both platform, so after some days search you will get to know that youtube is more important platform then tiktok, beacause youtube is worldwide used and you can make money more easily from it.

  • Consistency in work
Consistency in any work (online or physical) is very important. If you are consistent with your work you will get the good results in no time. How Consistency help you to choose best platform? Answer is; if you have selected a platform for your skills to be served in then work with consistency for month or two. if you choose a platform to work on but you show less consistency you will get bored and bad results will be found, after some weeks you may leave that platform, it does not mean the platform you chosen is worthless no you have not shown the consistency so bad results found. Just Select the best platform and then give some time to your work.

  • Creative work
Best platform demands best work. if you have some creativity in your work your platform will leads you to the success. For Example: If you choose Youtube and start working on. Your Video content is very important you just need to make good videos and attract more people if people watch your video till end and your video view rate is high youtube will find it interesting and will suggest your content to others so more people will be able to reach to your videos.

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  • Satisfying Clients/Viewers
Satisfactory Work is a key to rapid success and attracts more people towards your work. Being Freelancer or a video creator you must satisfy with your work, your main focus should be to satisfy your clients as a freelancer by doing work same as their demand, As a youtuber your video must contain all the information or entertainment that your viewers looking for, if you make a boring content you lose your trust from your viewers and clients. 

  • Keep Learning
After entering a Online platform get all information about that platform, after having complete knowledge you will get to know some major things that will help you to serve much better on that platform. Just keep learning new skills, keep widening your interest.
